Monday, October 3, 2016

Surprise! We said I Do.

Happily ever after starts here...
Surprise, Surprise! I'm sure you guys saw it coming.
It's very like me to just keep quiet for a while and then come back with a new announcement (mostly because I'm not organized enough to update you guys along the process...hehe)
We got married on September 3, 2016, which marked our 6th year anniversary. Can you guys believe it? Six years (and a month) with this goofball of mine.
Lately my post have been about "my vacation to Vieques," but some of you guys were able to put the pieces together and realized it was my Honeymoon. Now, don't take it personal, most of my Facebook friends are just finding out as well. Honestly we did keep it pretty quiet, but not intentionally, we were so busy, we didn't have time for anything!
Here is our first sneak peak of our wedding pictures, I literally got them last week, and have been keeping them so you would be the first ones to see!
So, I hope you guys enjoy these pictures. I will share more with you as soon as I get them.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. OMG ! You both complement each other <3 Wishing you are very happy married life and I am really looking forward to see more of your wedding pictures.
